Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Florists Galore

A girl's birthday is coming up and since she's not my girlfriend and a close friend she gets flowers. To bring someone out for a private dinner may be misconstrued by idle eyes, minds and tongues.

My favourite florist in KL is the Wishing Tree. When I was in Hawaii we received a garland at the hotel (lovely practice may I add) which is a lot like the practice of them leaving some flowers in your room in Thailand. The garlands are left in packets of large leaves before being taken out and presented.

That was forgotten for a long time. Then one day I had to send some flowers locally. Imagine how pleasant it was to see flowers come all wrapped up in a cone shaped leave rather than paper, gauzy cloth or plastic (plastics the worst). After that this is the only place I get my flowers from.

I remember one particular persons comments about the flowers received. 'Even if I remove the flowers, the decorations are nice enough to be a bouquet'.

By the way I work in software so my taste in flowers may not be up to the par of more discerning punters....[add all other standard disclaimers here]

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Gun vs Gun

Jeff has this piece of humor. Then they came up with the M-16. Good but a cleaning horror. And the Viet Cong had the AK-47. A beast but easy to clean.

'Hey GI, whatcya doin?' budda-budda-budda.........

Monday, April 4, 2005

The evils of colonialism

A long time ago there was a man named Cecil Rhodes who was an evil colonialist. He took over the lands of the poor oppressed people. thankfully he was eventually kicked out and now they are free to be oppressed by their own people.

Of course our last prime minister sent timber to build this guys private mansion but whats a few sticks among despots eh!

Mr. Mugabe will be immune of any repercussions from his acts of oppressing his own people. After all, you can be a white minority leading the richest nation in Afria but you would be doing something wrong. You could be a black man starving your own people but that would be ok.

Crap.....it's only Monday and I am starting to rant already. It's going to be a long week.